invites writers to contribute content (guides, reviews, city itineraries) and share their expertise with a like-minded Russian-speaking audience in America. We value, above all, your unique insights and expertise.
As a contributor, you'll attract more visibility, and people learn more about you and your organization, programs & events. All your articles will feature:
your author's picture
short bio
link to your website & social profiles
Article Contribution Guidelines:
To keep all of the content on high-quality and unique, please be sure that your article meets our guidelines:
- Articles submitted must be unique, in that they have not been published elsewhere online.
- Articles should be of interest to community and be written by a person, not a PR department.
- We like articles that review current trends, events & happenings related to the Russian community in your city and advance conversation around topics that engage our readers--think op-ed rather than marketing.
- We appreciate lively, polished writing that balances content, research or news with fun and memorable stories or examples that help illustrate your point of view. While we encourage drawing from your own experiences, over-the-top self promotion of yourself or your company lessens the chance we will publish your article.
- We do not pay for contributed/thought leadership/op-ed style pieces, but if they're engaging to read and useful to our audience, we will energetically promote them, just like any other story that runs on our site.
- requests that contributed articles remain exclusive to our site for 48 hours, after which time they may be republished only in part (up to 160 words) on other sites, with a link back to the original article on website.
- Specific Guidelines:
- Titles: Not more than 15 words
- Single Article: between 350 and 800 words.
- Include or suggest a photo/image to go along with your article
- Areas of coverage / Topics: Events, Happenings, Trends, Reviews
- Provide a 2-3 sentence bio about you and/or your company & include your picture